Glenbeulah, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for crime statistics in Glenbeulah, you're in luck. The city has low crime rates, but that doesn't mean it's safe, either. While there are no statistics for murder per resident, it's possible to see that crime rates are higher in some areas than in others. The graph below illustrates the overall murder rate in Glenbeulah by neighborhood.

The percentage of residents in Glenbeulah who are below the poverty line is lower than the national average of 14.1%. Compared to the state's average of 28.9%, Glenbeulah's rent burden is slightly lower than the state's average of 26.6%. The city has a low percentage of renters: 11.2% of households are renters.

The median age of residents in Glenbeulah, WI is 40.9. Both foreign and native citizens are younger. The average age for native-born residents was 42, while foreign-born residents were slightly older. The country with the highest percentage of foreign-born residents in Glenbeulah, WI is Mexico. China had 15,562 residents. Census data is tagged to the address of the residents.

In 2019 the median property value in Glenbeulah was $146,800. That's 0.61 times smaller than the national average. Homeownership rate was 92.2%, which is higher than the national average. There are 425 residents in Glenbeulah, WI. This means that about 0.941% of the city's citizens were born outside the country.