Elderon, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are planning a trip to Elderon City, you can use this guide to get the population and steets of the area. Elderon is located in the State of Wisconsin, in Milwaukee County. If you are planning a trip to Elderon, you should take note of the population of nearby cities as well. It's important to note that you can travel to the neighboring cities from Elderon using this guide.

In Elderon, Wisconsin, there are 156 registered voters, of which 159 are male. The gender ratio is 51:1. There are 10.7% of senior citizens in Elderon. The unemployment rate is around 1.2%, and it's estimated that 3.5% of the population works for the federal, state and local governments. In addition to being employed, residents in Elderon earn a median household income of $34,730.

The cost of living in Elderon, Wisconsin is moderate. There are many amenities in Elderon, including a high-quality school system. Elderon also has moderate property taxes. On average, residents paid only 1.9% in property taxes. Elderon's median monthly rent was $850. A typical household in Elderon, Wisconsin uses broadband internet. In addition, 77.7% of Elderon households had an active broadband connection at the time of the 2010 census.