Clintonville, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Clintonville is about 4,504 people, with a median household income of $36,600. Compared to the rest of Iowa, the city has a higher percentage of married couples, with 68% of households headed by a married couple. However, this does not necessarily translate into a high number of Hispanic residents. A higher percentage of married couples than single individuals is found in some other Iowa cities, such as Pella, where the percentage is 96%.

The census also reported that 5.8% of the residents of Clintonville are of Hispanic descent, a group which is classified as any race. However, there is some confusion regarding the exact definition of Hispanics. Those who are Hispanic are typically defined as people of any race. Those who identify as Hispanic are not likely to have a significant level of criminal activity in their neighborhoods.

In order to accurately assess the crime rate, you should look at the city's statistics on population. The number of crimes per 1,000 residents may seem low, but this statistic may not be accurate. In fact, crime in the city is inflated by people who visit the city during the daytime, and many of these crimes take place in commercial areas. Therefore, red areas on the map do not necessarily indicate a high level of danger for residents.

There are three racial or ethnic groups living below the poverty line in Clintonville, WI. Twenty.8% of households are headed by a married couple, with 14.5% headed by a woman without a husband. A third of the households are non-families. The remaining forty-six percent of households are headed by individuals. Another group of residents who are below the poverty line are those who are employed by the state or federal government.