Baileys Harbor, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What are the population and stouts of Baileys Harbor City? You can learn all about this fascinating city by reading this article. In this piece, I'll tell you the facts about this charming and picturesque city in Door County, Wisconsin. Here is a list of the most popular statistics and other information about Baileys Harbor City. The population and stouts of Baileys Harbor are listed below.

When you search for the name of a museum in Baileys Harbor, WI, you will find a detailed list of each of its locations. Each location will have information about its phone number, street address, and ZIP code. Using this information, you can view the addresses of potential family members in Baileys Harbor, WI. Whether you want to learn more about this unique town or are looking for a unique vacation experience, you'll be able to find it here.

The median home value in Baileys Harbor, WI was $258,300 in 2019. This is a 1.07 times higher than the national average. In Baileys Harbor, the percentage of households earning less than this amount was 0.00% in 2018, and 2.7% for non-working households. Males are more likely than females to be married. Women tend to have children after 35, so a young child can't expect to be a good parent.

The median income of Baileys Harbor, WI is $46,083 - less than the national median of $65,712. This is up from the previous year's $46,042. This is 2.26% annual growth when compared to neighboring and parent geographies. When you compare the incomes of the people living in Baileys Harbor, WI, you'll notice that Baileys Harbor, WI is quite low on the racial scale.