Wilkinson, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the population of Wilkinson City, MS? This is a question we get asked a lot. The answer might surprise you, but the population of Wilkinson City is much smaller than many people think. The city is located in Wilkinson County, Mississippi. Here's some information to get you started. Population in Wilkinson City, IN is about 1,378 people.

In 2019, Wilkinson, Indiana had a population of 413 people. That is a decline of 10.7% since the previous year. The median household income was $54,375, a decrease of -0.42% from the previous year. Residents were of 7 races and ethnicities, with Mexicans being the most common. China and India each had over 22,000 residents in Wilkinson. The median age of residents is 33.3 years old.

The percentages of different age groups are shown below. The percentages are for the year 2000, and indicate whether the neighborhood is older than the city-wide population. Compared to the 1990 census, the population is slightly younger today. Residents also reported concerns about speeding and crime. Those concerns are important, especially because of the adjacent pedestrian traffic. And these changes will only be made with the assistance of neighborhood planning sessions and surveys.