Webster Springs, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're wondering how many crimes are committed each year in Webster Springs, West Virginia, you may be surprised to learn that there are far fewer crimes in the city than in its surrounding areas. The city also has lower crime rates than the state of West Virginia and the national average. Read on to learn more. Listed below are the population and steets of Webster Springs City.

The majority of Webster's residential units are single-family homes. There are no apartments, duplexes, or mother-in-law suites, so many people are forced to live in single-family homes. Due to this, many businesses in Webster have difficulty attracting new employees. Fortunately, the city is exploring the development of mixed-use commercial and residential properties. Many neighborhoods are still laid out in the historic grid street pattern, which encourages walking.

There are a few ways to learn the population of Webster Springs City, West Virginia. Its official name is Addison, but the town is also known as Webster Springs. The town has been home to a cattle market for over 80 years and moves more than $50 million annually. However, on other days of the week, the area is over-paved and uninviting to visitors.

As a result of the C2C Trail being built through Webster, the city plans to make it accessible to bikers, pedestrians, and motorists. In addition to this, the city plans to revitalize its existing structures along SR 471 with a push-button controlled pedestrian crossing. Ultimately, the town hopes to position itself as an equestrian-focused destination community.