Wardensville, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you looking for population and steets in Wardensville City, Georgia? We have the data you're looking for! You'll find the latest Wardensville city information here. Just take a look at our map to get started! Population and steets in Wardensville is based on the most recent American Community Survey. We update the information regularly, but we cannot guarantee its accuracy.

As the population of Wardensville has grown, so have the number of businesses. The town's Main Street is getting a makeover, but the rest of the city is still struggling. The old-timers don't like the plan, but the newcomers are happy with the prospects. The main street is brightening up, but some of the back roads still have Confederate flags in their front yards. Town council meetings can get pretty nasty - and a lot of people aren't happy to talk about it.

According to Radaris, Wardensville has 320 residents. Of those, 39.4% are male and 60.6% are female, which is slightly less than the U.S. and West Virginia average gender ratios. This is a nice mix of races. However, residents should still be cautious when making a decision based on these numbers. Make sure to take the time to explore Wardensville's unique demographics.

Wardensville's eviction statistics reflect a number of things, including the general condition of the town's properties and utilities. Wardensville has a lower rate of eviction than Toms Brook or Chester Gap. A small percentage of Wardensville's residents are unemployed, which is a good sign for the economy. However, this doesn't mean that Wardensville is a bad place to live.