Sumerco, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for an overview of crime rates in Sumerco City, West Virginia, you have come to the right place. Crime rates in Sumerco are calculated as the number of crimes committed per thousand residents in a standard year. Compared to neighboring cities, Sumerco is safe, while surrounding cities are unsafe. Sumerco also has lower crime rates than the state and national average.

In Sumerco, West Virginia, there are 709 residents, 365 males and 344 females. The median age of the population is 38.8, while the median age for women is 42.1. There are 280 births and deaths each year in Sumerco. The city has a high school graduation rate of 73%, as well as a rate of 66% for those under the age of 20.

The number of school-aged children in Sumerco City is a key indicator of the city's educational attainment. Education attainment, or the number of people with a postsecondary degree, is important for making decisions about the environment and employment market for your kids. Moreover, school-age children in the area have higher chances of getting a good job. And, assuming you're looking for an affordable house in Sumerco, you should make sure that it's a good choice.