Skygusty, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Skygusty is approximately zero, with a density of 9.1 people per square mile. The city's demographics are composed mainly of white, male residents. Only one percent of the population is considered Asian. The population is largely white, and the other ten percent are black or Hispanic. The median household income in the city is $21,977. The city's median age is 37.5 years, and its female to male ratio is 0.88. There are approximately 129.8% white residents in Skygusty, compared to 28.7% black residents and 0.9% Hispanic residents. Approximately 59% of the population has completed high school, and 54% has dropped out.

If you want to visit Skygusty, WV, here are some nearby cities:

This town is located in McDowell County, West Virginia. It is located on West Virginia Route 161 about five miles south of Gary, WV. The population of Skygusty is based on an estimated 1,052 residents. If you're planning a trip, be sure to include Skygusty on your itinerary. You'll need your full zipcode when requesting mail. If you want to get detailed information about Skygusty, you can also use the city's postal code.