Rock View, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

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The population of Rock View is approximately 344 people. This number includes 177 males and 167 females. The median age is 42.8. The city has an average of 273 births and 302 deaths per year. The race of Rock View residents varies each year. This city is made up of predominantly white residents, though black and Hispanic residents are also represented. In Rock View, racial groups comprise about 9% of the population.

The education level of residents in Rock View is based on the number of people who have completed schooling in the city. The education level of the residents in Rock View is important for making decisions regarding their kids' environments and their job markets. The county enrollment of Rock View is 5,232 people, including students in kindergarten and nursery school. The percentage of residents who have gone to college is also quite high, at 21.6 percent.