Rock Cave, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for information about the Rock Cave City population, you have come to the right place. In this article, we will go over the basic facts about this town and its surroundings. It is a small town within the state of West Virginia, and is about 86 miles from other large cities. However, the area around Rock Cave is just as interesting and offers many things to do. Whether you are looking for recreation, a new home, or a place to raise your family, we will have all the information you need to help you choose.

According to the latest Census Bureau statistics, the median age of residents in Cave City, AR is 34. This figure includes both native-born citizens and foreign-born residents. Those who were born outside of the country have a slightly higher median age, at 37. This is still higher than the national average, at 35. The most common place of birth for foreign-born residents is Mexico, followed by El Salvador and India.

In 1858, George Nichols bought property west of Cave City from William Jeff Gatewood and purchased the land on the west side of Main Street. Afterwards, he sold the property to the residents and built a dwelling and a barn. Cave City was officially incorporated on April 29, 1907.