Powellton, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are interested in learning about Powellton City's population and steets, keep reading. Here is a quick look at some basic information about the city. The population of Powellton is approximately 2,325 people. The city has a low poverty rate, as it is lower than the national average of 14.1%. The state of West Virginia has a poverty rate of 17.8%.

The City of Powellton is located in Southern West Virginia, 200 miles west of Charlottesville, VA. It is home to a population of 515 people. The median home price in Powellton is $65,100 and the median home appreciation is 10.1%. Powellton is a great place to live and raise a family. You will find a wide variety of employment opportunities in Powellton.

There are approximately 35,600 county subdivisions in the United States. Powellton is one of the 50 most populous. Powellton City's population is 100% American, which is higher than the average of 93.4% in the U.S. It is home to over one hundred Vietnam veterans. There are many veterans living in Powellton. If you are interested in studying here, you can earn your degree at the West Virginia University Institute of Technology.

Powelton Village's name comes from the Powel family, a group of Welsh colonials. During the late 1800s, trolley lines connected Powelton Village to downtown Philadelphia, and the real estate market exploded. Industrial tycoons bought luxury homes in the area. However, the area began to decline in the 1940s, and the population was pushed to the low income level. It was dubbed "The Bottom" by locals and gang members. The community has a history of political activism.