Poca, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the Population & Steets of Poca City? This page will answer that question, and more. The population of Poca City was estimated to be about 78,600 as of the 2010 census. There are some interesting facts about this small city that you should know. You may be surprised to learn that it has many Hispanic residents. These people can be of any race, and they're represented in a large portion of the city's population.

The physical appearance of a community is often an indicator of civic pride, economic vitality, and resident proactivity. The quality of development, public facilities, and open spaces reinforce a community's character, and are important to residents and visitors alike. The quality of a neighborhood's curb appeal is also important, and prospective residents are likely to be drawn to it by its appearance. However, many residents think that the city can improve its quality of life.

In the 1920s, E. W. Marland created the Marland Oil Company, which went on to control about ten percent of the world's oil reserves. Marland then founded 101 Ranch Oil Company on the Miller Brothers 101 Ranch. He leased the land from the Ponca tribe and later became a U.S. congressman and the governor of Oklahoma. The Ponca tribe's culture and heritage are deeply woven into the city's history.