Pipestem, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

To find out the population and steets of Pipestem City, look at the map below. The map displays how many people in each race are present in Pipestem City. For each race, the color on the map indicates how many people in that racial group identify themselves as such. The darker the color, the more people identify themselves as this race. The green and red colors indicate the level of racial diversity in the city. The more green areas are more diverse than the red ones. This indicates that different races are living in close proximity to each other.

In terms of housing, the city has 7,330 housing units. Of these, five thousand are occupied and one thousand are vacant. The city is home to 5,280 single-family detached units and 78 single-family attached units (also known as town homes or row houses). Additionally, there are two hundred and seventy-seven households with two or more people. These households make up a quarter of the overall population.

For those planning a trip to Pipestem, a map of nearby towns may be helpful. This list may help you plan an itinerary or explore the town. In addition, you can use this map to determine the number of cities within 100 miles of Pipestem. If you live in a nearby town, you can check out the statistics for that city. Just remember that Pipestem has a high rate of vehicle theft compared to nearby cities.