North Matewan, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When it comes to the city of North Matewan, Michigan, there are several important demographics to consider. This is because the city has low populations near its recreational areas and major airports. In addition, the number of residents who live near parks and other recreational areas is also low, making crime rates appear higher. While these areas may be relatively safe, crime is always a concern, regardless of their location.

The population of North Matewan is comprised of approximately 119 residents, of which 55 are male and 64 are female. The median age of male residents is 33.8 years, while that of females is 43 years old. The city's median income is $27,188, while the per capita is $12,586. The city's racial makeup varies from year to year, but the current breakdown of the race population in North Matewan is 118 people, of which one race is represented by the majority.

Nearby cities can be helpful when traveling to North Matewan, WV. These larger cities are useful when booking flights to and from various airports. However, smaller towns may be useful when road-tripping to different parts of the state. The following cities are located within 85 miles of North Matewan, WV: