Minnehaha Springs, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are curious about the Population & Steets in Mennehaha Springs City, West Virginia, you've come to the right place. The following information will provide you with the most up-to-date and reliable data. Minnehaha Springs is a city in Pocahontas County, WV, within the 24954 ZIP Code delivery area. In addition to current statistics about the population of Minnehaha Springs, our data also includes a neighborhood profile, household income, and home value. Additionally, we also include the school zone and percentage of homes that are owned or rented.

Several factors are responsible for the population growth of Minnehaha Springs. A school district is the main driving force for growth, according to the city's city administrator. According to the Sioux Metro Growth Alliance, the city added almost 4,600 people from 2010 to 2020. The population of Tea has increased by 1,800 people since 2010, while the population of Harrisburg has increased by 65%.

The city has a median household income of $54,286. It has a 0.98% poverty rate and a population density of seventy-five people per square mile. Minnehaha Springs is home to several high-quality schools. It is also home to several major employers. The area also boasts a number of other unique attractions and activities for its residents. There are several things to do in Minnehaha Springs, South Dakota, and these activities will help you make the right decision.