Meadow Creek, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Meadow Creek City, WV is 49 people. Out of these 49 residents, four are under the age of twenty-five and three are over the age of eighteen. A school enrollment report can help you decide where to raise your children, what kind of environment to provide for them, and what kind of job market you want them to have. The number of school-aged children in Meadow Creek varies from year to year, but on average there are 3,697 students in the district.

Crime rates are slightly higher in Meadow Creek than in most places. The area near major recreational areas and airports has the lowest population, and very few residents live within a five-mile radius. That being said, the crime rate may seem higher in these areas if they're located in a neighborhood that is relatively safe, but remember that crime happens where people congregate. The lower the crime rate, the safer the area is.

The following map of major cities in the United States provides access to important information about the neighborhood. Meadow Creek, WV is located 65 miles from both major cities and small towns. It is relatively easy to commute between the two. The nearest freeway is US-77. The nearest airport is Will Rogers World Airport, which is located in nearby Oklahoma City. If you're looking for a better internet connection, check out the following options: