Lyburn, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following statistics show the population and satets of the city of Lyburn, West Virginia. As of 2010, there are 5,173 residents living in Lyburn. Of these, 256 are male and 62 are female. The median age is 41.3, while the death rate is 481 per thousand people. The breakdown of races in Lyburn varies from year to year. In general, 514 residents identify themselves as one race, while 3 identify as two or more races.

The total school enrollment in Lyburn is 7,911 students, including children in public and private schools. Understanding school enrollment in your area will help you make informed decisions about your children's environment and the job market in the area. As of 2010, total school enrollment was 11,721 students, which includes 4,803 children in kindergarten, 11,721 students in elementary and high schools, and 1,180 students in college.

There are several ways to find the population and steets of a city. While comparing crime rates isn't intuitive, the map below shows the cities closest to Lyburn. Lyburn City has no major airport, so a major city's airport is probably the best place to find flights from Lyburn. Alternatively, you can choose to look up nearby cities and towns, and then book a flight.