Leivasy, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

How do you know the population & steets of Leivasy City? This article will answer that question and more. Having an idea of the population of a city is important in planning a trip, but not a comprehensive guide to the entire area. If you want to explore your options, there is more than one way to find the statistics you need. Listed below are the statistics for Leivasy City, WV.

As you consider your billboard advertising, take into account the demographics of the community. For instance, Leivasy is a small town with only 586 residents, but 417 households. The median housing value of Leivasy is $69,600, and the average household size is 2.41 people. Leivasy's population is expected to decrease by -0.1% over the next decade, and the percentage of homeowners is 8.27.

The official ZIP code for Leivasy is 26676. It is the most common ZIP code in the state of West Virginia. It is based on the city's primary postal name, but some of the ZIP code are under different names. For example, there is a ZIP code for Leivasy, WV, and it is assigned by the US Postal Service as LEIVASY.