Lahmansville, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in LaHmansville City can give you a good idea of the city's demographics. In Lahmansville, WV, there are about 100 residents. Of those, 0% are male and 99% are female. Of those, 0% are married and 0% have couple families. For each of these groups, there are a few important things to know.

The population and steets in Lahmansville are represented on a map. In this map, the southwestern part of Lahmansville is the safest area, while the east is the most dangerous. Although the map of crime in Lahmansville looks inflated, it is important to remember that many crimes occur in retail areas. Therefore, the red areas do not necessarily indicate a high risk for residents.

The cumulative distribution of streets shows abrupt changes in slopes at 120 m. In this subarea, most streets are local, while the longest are arterials and collectors. In these subsets, the street population shows low average spacing and is highly dense. Overall, the street structure is influenced by the external landscape. The entropy of street lengths varies positively over the average length.

The median age of the population was 44.5 years. There were many young and old people living in the town. The age distribution was very large with 9.9% of those aged 18-24 living alone. The age distribution was also high with 26.5% of people in the 25-44 range. Twenty percent of the population lived in Lahmansville City. The population of males was slightly higher than the number of females.