Kistler, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information will help you understand the population and steets of Kistler City, Pennsylvania. The city has a population of 315 people and a median home price of $73,500. The median home appreciation over the last 10 years was 2.4%. It is easy to see why Kistler is a good place to live if you are considering moving to the area.

The population of Kistler, Pennsylvania is approximately 291 residents. The proportion of non-English speakers in the city is about 16.0%. There are many small businesses and manufacturing facilities in the city, and Kistler is well-known for its cheese and chocolate. The median income is $48,000, and the median household size is two adults. The city is located within a five-mile radius of the city center.

The population of Kistler is calculated by dividing the city's postal code by its zip code. This information is then used to create a ZIP code for the city. The ZIP code itself has only one default name. Consequently, when people in Kistler address a post office, they call the city by its default name. The population of Kistler is more or less the same as the population of West Virginia. However, the 2020 population may be slightly different than that of 2010.