Kingmont, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the Population & Steets in Kingont City? Kingmont is a city in WV, United States. There are a few things you should know about the city before you make any plans. Here's a list of cities in the vicinity of Kingmont, WV. This will help you choose a new place to live in. This list also includes nearby cities and towns.

The ZIP code for Kingmont is 26578, and it covers the ZIP codes 31217, 31218, and 35904. The city is located in Marion, West Virginia, and has a population of NA. It covers a total area of 312 square miles, and follows the Eastern (GMT -05:00) time zone. The ZIP code is used to find homes or mail packages, and is also used by residents for mailing purposes.

QuickFacts are data derived from census information. This includes information such as the population, household income, and percentage of houses owned, rented, and vacant. You can find the information you need by browsing the database. This data will give you a better understanding of the neighborhood in which you live. This will allow you to choose a home and neighborhood that matches your tastes and lifestyle. The population of Kingmont City is a good indicator of its overall health.