Kieffer, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When planning a vacation to Kieffer City, OK, you might want to know the Population & Steets. Listed below are some of the nearest cities and towns. These are the biggest cities closest to Kieffer, OK. Alternatively, you can find a smaller town in the vicinity. If you're looking to spend some time in the area, you can visit the nearby towns and explore the local area.

The population of Kiefer is 2,055 people. The median household income in this city is $51,250. Likewise, the poverty rate in the city is 7.8%. For those wondering about the cost of living in the area, the median household income in the city is $51,250. Kieffer has an above-average crime rate. If you're interested in knowing the cost of living in Kiefer City, OK, check out the Population & Steets data.

Crime in Kiefer City is very low compared to the rest of the state. In fact, it ranks 24th nationally. Crime indexes are based on data collected from police departments in the area. The city's crime index shows that violent crime is on the decline in the past four years. In addition, violent crime has declined slightly, as compared to the previous four years. Kiefer has no hate crimes.