Jumping Branch, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The city of Jumping Branch is located in Ohio. The city has a population of 1,264 people, and the most common race is White. There are also many other races, such as Black, Hispanic, and Italian, and a smaller percentage of residents are of some other race. The most common language spoken is English, but there are other important languages as well, such as Polish and Italian.

The crime grade map below shows you where in Jumping Branch the crime is most likely to happen. The most dangerous parts of the city are in red, while the most safe are in yellow. This map shows crime by type and severity, and a D+ grade means that the crime rate is higher than average. Jumping Branch is ranked in the 26th percentile for safety, meaning that it is less dangerous than other cities in the state.

The official USPS name of Jumping Branch is JUMPING BRANCH, WV. Part of the zip code is within the city limits, and it contains a ZIP code for that location. While the city was named for the local school, it is not used for that purpose anymore. However, the town has a very interesting history and is well worth investigating. There is a thriving community in this town, and the population is growing.