Halltown, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When you live in Halltown City, Missouri, you might wonder, "What's the population like?" You can find out by looking up the city's demographic information online. The population of Halltown is approximately 6,425 people. It's located in a county with a median age of 30. In addition to its residents, Halltown also has a small population of foreign-born people.

The theft rate in Halltown City is below the national average. Although there are relatively few people living in the city, crime rates are higher in some parts of the city than in others. It may appear that crime is more prevalent in the northeast, but this doesn't make the area safer for residents. Crime isn't limited to people who live in Halltown, and many crimes occur in residential areas, too.

The median age of Halltown city residents is 36 years old, which is less than the national average. Only 7.2% of Halltown's residents are 65 and older. Halltown also has a low rate of over-the-hills residents: 7.2% live below the poverty line. In addition, Halltown has a low rate of unemployment, with 17.9% of residents sixteen and older in the labor force unemployed. While 18.8% of residents work for the government, only 8.6% make more than $16,000 per year.