Hacker Valley, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Hacker Valley, West Virginia, is 568. Of that number, 137 live in households that do not include a husband and wife. There are 66 male households in the city and 71 female households. The median age of the people living in the city is 41.4 years. There are 106 births and 114 deaths in Hacker Valley every year. The race breakdown of the city is as follows:

There are a variety of ways to determine the educational attainment of a city. For example, education attainment refers to the highest degree a person has. For Hacker Valley, the highest education level was attained by the population over the age of twenty-five. The highest-educated individuals in the city were 83 percent older than the average. For every one of these groups, the population is divided into two subgroups, those with the lowest educational attainment.