Griffithsville, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following statistics show the population and steets of Griffithsville City, WV. There are 8,664 households in Griffithsville, and the majority are families. The majority of these households are made up of married couples, with 5,235 households consisting of two individuals. The remaining 138 households are composed of singles and are either one unit or two or more units. The city also has a small amount of non-family housing.

The crime rate in Griffithsville City is relatively low, compared to surrounding neighborhoods and the state average. There are fewer crimes committed in Griffithsville's southwest neighborhood, where the median crime rate is about one crime per 1,000 residents. However, crime rates are higher in areas of the city that are near recreational areas, such as parks. This is not necessarily because crime is more prevalent in areas with lower populations, as most crimes occur where there are people.

The population of Griffithsville City is based on the highest education level. That can be defined as the highest level of schooling or degree. This information also gives you an idea of the overall socio-economic status of the city. In addition, the highest education level attained by people in Griffithsville is also reflected by the number of people over 25 years old. Therefore, a study of the education level of the population in Griffithsville is very useful in determining how much money a person earns.