Green Spring, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When it comes to the city of Green Springs, Colorado, you can be sure that you'll be getting your information from a reputable source. The US Census Bureau offers this information on the population and steets of Green Spring City and many other places around the United States. Here you'll find the most up-to-date and accurate information. The demographic data is taken from the US Census Bureau's 2020 American Community Survey and updated annually. Please remember that the data is not guaranteed to be 100% accurate.

The population of Green Springs was spread out, with a median age of 42.5 years. The younger population represented 25 to 44-year-olds, while the oldest population group comprised those 65 and over. While the median age in the city was 43 years old, the gender breakdown was 51.9% males and 51.9% females. Although this number may not seem impressive, it does reflect the age range of Green Springs residents.

There are also some interesting statistics about this city. According to the US Census Bureau, the median household income in Green Spring City was $101,499, making it a comparatively rich community. The median income for males was $72,000, while females earned $36,563.