Green Bank, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are wondering, "What's the Population & Steets of Green Bank City?", you are not alone. The population of Green Bank City is about 275 people. The growth rate of this city from 2010 to 2020 was 251.2%. The median home price in this community is $152,000, and in the past 10 years, its appreciation has been 2.6%. If you are interested in buying a house in Green Bank City, here are some important facts to consider.

First of all, this area is known for its lack of cellphone signals and Wi-Fi. While cellphone signals are nonexistent and Wi-Fi is rare, the town's residents are used to life without these modern conveniences. The town is home to the world's largest steerable radio telescope. In fact, the area has been designated a National Radio Quiet Zone since 1958. This zone covers approximately 13,000 square miles of land in Virginia and West Virginia.

Amongst the residents of Green Bank City, West Virginia, Whites are the most common group below the poverty line. Blacks and Native Americans are the next most common group. The Census Bureau uses various income thresholds to determine whether a family qualifies for poverty. For a family to be considered poor, the income of all family members must be less than the threshold in order to meet the minimum standard of living.