Glen White, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you interested in knowing the Population & Steets in Glen-White City, West Virginia? Here is some information to help you decide. Glen White, WV has 360 residents, which is a growth of 19.2% compared to the previous year. This city has a median household income of $35,788. Most residents of Glen White speak English as their primary language. You can also check out the demographics of the area to see if it's a good place to live.

The population of Glen-White City is diverse. Its residents are mostly non-Hispanic white, with about five percent African American, one percent American Indian, two-thirds Asian, and one-eighth Hispanic. The city's ethnic composition is particularly diverse, with many second and third-generation descendants of Eastern and Southern European immigrants who had left their childhood homes in Queens to settle in the suburbs. There are also several African Americans, descendants of colonial slaves, who migrated from the South in the early 20th century.

The area's wealth is unevenly distributed, with the poorest neighborhoods generally experiencing higher poverty rates. However, the area's Black population is more evenly distributed, with only a small minority living in the poorest census tracts. There are several other demographics that can help you determine if Glen White City is the right place for you. If you're looking for a safe, welcoming place to live, Glen White City is worth considering.