Gap Mills, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

This article will give you a quick overview of the Population & Steets in Gag Mills City, North Carolina. Learn more about this small town's demographics to make the right decisions when raising your family. You'll also discover the school enrollment statistics, which can help you make important decisions about where your children should go to school, as well as the job market. For Gap Mills, North Carolina, there are 2,971 total school enrollments in the country. Of this total, 4,619 were elementary school children, while there were 481 college students and other higher education students.

The city has about 5,447 households, of which 3,898 are families, with a median age of 36.5 for males and 39.2 for females. There are 132 births and 156 deaths per year, and the population is made up of people of different ages and races. Gap Mills is a relatively safe place to live, so you'll feel safe walking down the streets.