Fenwick, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you interested in learning about the Population & Steets in Fentwick City? This information can help you determine the quality of life in this community. The following table shows the number of households with various means of transportation in Fenwick City. The chart also shows the percentage of households with 2 or more cars. The number of people who live alone also varies by age and gender. The most common means of transportation for commuting is driving alone.

Violent Crime Rates per 1,000 Residents in Fenwick City

In the United States, English is the most common language. Fenwick City, Connecticut has 64 residents, and the median household income is $161,250. Overall, the population of Fenwick is 68 years old. 0% of its population is Hispanic, and 17.8% are White. The percentage of foreign-born citizens is 2.9%. It is estimated that over 5% of the total population lives in Delaware.

Detailed information about Fenwick Island's population can be found at the USPS website. It is part of the Salisbury, MD-Delaware Metropolitan Statistical Area. The area zip code in Fenwick City is 19944.