Fairdale, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Whether you're interested in the current Population & Steets in Fairadel City, KY, or the surrounding area, the information below is sure to be helpful. We've compiled the demographics of Fairdale, Kentucky, from the 2020 American Community Survey to determine the number of residents. The data is updated yearly and whenever new information becomes available for Fairdale's zip code and neighborhoods.

Fairdale KY has a population of 1,982. There is no gender-based breakdown, but there is one that shows a female to male ratio of 50.2%. The state's average is 49.2% for men and 50.4% for females. This ratio is much higher than the national average, so it's definitely worth checking out. The demographics of Fairdale City, WV, may surprise you.

Population & Steets in Fairadell