Elm Grove, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When it comes to the demographics of Elm Grove, Wisconsin, age distribution is a major factor. Age distribution has a large impact on the demand for schools, recreational facilities, and social services in the area. The median age of residents in Elm Grove City was 45.7 years in 2000, much higher than the average for Waukesha County and the state of Wisconsin. This is especially important when evaluating the demand for housing and other amenities.

As of 2000, the community had a total population of 4,888 residents. Of those, 2,746 were in the labor force, with 54% being female. Of those in the labor force, 2,664 were over the age of 16 and held professional or managerial occupations, representing 63.5% of the civilian population. Although this is a small number, it does illustrate the growth in the area.

The Department of Administration tracks the characteristics of household sizes in Elm Grove, starting in 1990 and continuing through 2025. The data, published by the Southeastern Regional Planning Commission (SEWRPC), show both opposing trends. Downtown development has the potential to affect the number of households in Elm Grove, and the city's population will remain fairly stable for the next few decades. But the future population growth forecasts from the DOA may not reflect these conditions.