Dryfork, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Did you know that there are 4,203 people living in Dry Fork? Of those, 1,127 are under the age of 20. Of these, there are 613 males and 514 females. Of the remaining 3,193 people, 315 are older than the city's median age. Read on to learn more about Dry Fork's demographics. The city's population has a low crime rate and is generally safe.

The city is located near the Dolly Sods Wilderness. There are approximately 564 people living in Dryfork. Of that total, 58.0% of Dryfork residents identify as males and 42.0% identify as females. In contrast, the U.S. and West Virginia average gender ratios are 49.4% to 50.8%. That means that the average person living in Dryfork is about the same age as the average woman in the state.

To find out the number of people living in Dry Fork, VA, you can look up the population of nearby cities. Some of these cities are large and have large airports. Try searching for flights from Dry Fork, VA to nearby cities. If you're looking for something closer to home, try looking for cities that are within 72 miles. These cities will give you an idea of how many people live in Dry Fork and what the economy looks like.