Danese, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What are the population and steets of Danese City? Danese City, WV is home to nearly 2,000 residents. However, there are some areas of Danese that have lower populations than others. Areas near the city's airport and parks tend to have lower population density and higher crime rates than the rest of the city. This makes crime rates appear higher even in safe areas, like parks. The reason for this is that crime tends to happen where people are, so this area might be more dangerous than others.

The population of Danese is comprised of 1,370 people. Of these, nearly half are under the age of 20. Of these, only 170 people are male, while the remaining two hundred and seventy residents are female. There are also five hundred and fifty residents with children. The remaining one hundred and fifty residents are over 20 years old. The median age in Danese is 36 years.

The racial diversity of Danese is represented by the color of the people living in the area. Darker shades represent a larger racial majority. The map below displays the racial diversity of the city. Areas in green are more diverse, while areas in red are less diverse. A higher diversity score is generally a good sign of racial harmony, since this means that people of different races live in close proximity.