Cowen, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Population & Steets in Cowan City, WV - a quick look at the numbers can give you an idea of the local population. This data will help you find out where everyone lives, where they work, and what the economic climate is like. The table below will provide you with these numbers as well as a few other key statistics. Population & Steets in Cowen City, WV - a quick look at the figures will reveal some interesting trends.

The population of Cowen is 527. The median household income is $35,240, which is well above the national average. Despite its small size, Cowen is home to a significant proportion of US citizens. Approximately 1% of residents are foreign-born, which is low by US standards, but much higher than the national average. The median household size in Cowen is 2.6 people. You can also get an idea of the amount of people living in poverty in Cowen.