Capon Springs, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population resides mostly in rural areas, with a few urban centers. This is because there are no major metropolitan areas in Capon Springs. However, there are some cities in this area that do have large populations. Here are the population and steets for Capon Springs. You can get a free quote by requesting a report from Vivint. You can read more about Capon Springs on its official website.

The population was well-diversified, with the youngest residents at 19.5%, the oldest at 85.5%, and the largest racial group at 18.7%. There were married couples, with 35.6% of households made up of married couples. The remaining 47.4% of households were comprised of non-families, while the oldest residents were 65 and over. The median age was 41. The number of males in the town was higher than that of females, with males outnumbering females in terms of number of people.

The population and steets of Capon Springs City can vary based on the demographics and neighborhood. A small town is much more likely to be safe than a big city, but big cities have more amenities. If you want to get a feel for the area, you can use a search tool to find nearby towns. You can also use this to find out the median age of people living in Capon Springs, WV.