Caldwell, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

A map of Caldwell city's population and street names is helpful for a variety of reasons. You can use a Caldwell map to research the city's sales catchment area, to plan distribution and delivery, to do business in the area, or to simply travel through. Below is a sample map of the Caldwell area. You can download a copy of the map for free.

In the year 1884, Caldwell had 600 residents, 150 structures, a telephone exchange, two weekly newspapers, several churches, an amateur theatrical group, and a skateboard rink. The first circus in Caldwell was held in 1884 and attracted 7,000 paid attendees. In 1891, the College of Idaho was founded in Caldwell, the state's oldest college.

This historic community is on a natural passageway to the Pacific and Inland Northwest. Native American tribes would gather along the Boise River for annual rendezvous. Later, Europeans, Brazilians, and Armenians followed the path. The Oregon Trail was forged by hopeful emigrants. They traveled along the Boise River from Silver Bridge to Canyon Hill, fording it near the town of Silver Bridge.

For art lovers, the Louisiana Artists Museum is located in the historic Schepis Building and features rotating exhibits. Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, the Martin Homeplace Museum showcases the rich cultural history of the city. The city is also home to the Lions Club Championship Rodeo, the state's oldest rodeo. Whether you are looking for a home for sale, an apartment, or a farm, Caldwell has it all.