Brenton, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In Brenton City, there are 894 households. The median age was 32.8 years. The median household income was $33,636, and the median family income was $43,036. The median age was also the highest for males, at $32,464 per household. Twenty-one percent of the households were non-families, with twenty-four percent of those households containing one individual. The average household size was 2.94 people, with a median family size of 3.44.

Brenton City is home to many people who work in the area. However, many are not well-educated, and many are underage. There is a public school in the city, which has an excellent reputation. This school provides a variety of programs, including a youth soccer program. Brenton City has a diverse population, and residents are encouraged to get involved with the community.

The population of Benton City was 3,038 at the 2010 census, with a small proportion of Latinos. This is significantly more than the 18% that the city had in 2000. Residents often commute by car, but the city also has an extensive trolley bus system.

The population of Benton City dwindled during World War II, and the agricultural economy continued to lag. Local residents began to suspect that important people were interested in the area. One such person, A. F. Johnson, a beekeeper, had a farm in the area and used his bees to pollinate crops in the Wenatchee Valley. Later, the Johnson family moved their bees to the Rattlesnake Range. The Johnson family decided to build a honey operation.