Bowden, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the population and steets of Bowden City? The answer is quite interesting, and will likely surprise you. Despite the city's small population, many areas are fairly safe for children, and the crime rate isn't too high. For example, the population of the parks in the city is very low, but crime rates may appear higher in these areas because of the low population. However, crime happens wherever people are.

The population of Bowden is approximately 3,000 people. The city is located in Randolph County and is officially known as BOWDEN, West Virginia. Its official US Postal Service code is 26254, and it is part of the city of Bowden. It lies within area codes 304 and 681, and it is classified as a Lower Middle Class zip code in West Virginia. The population of Bowden is ranked above the state average for schools and is higher than its peers.

The population of Bowden is primarily employed in business, sales, and service jobs. The majority of residents of Bowden commute for at least fifteen minutes to their place of employment, but most of them spend only twenty-five minutes to work. A majority of Bowden residents commute to another municipality within the same province. The statistics for this section of the population are based on the latest census data from Statistics Canada, and may differ slightly from those of other areas.