Berwind, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to move to Berwind City, WV, you'll have to know a few things. This small town in West Virginia is located within 76 miles of both large cities and smaller towns. You'll also want to know its population & steets. The data below will help you determine how safe the town is. The percentage of residents is below, and the city is generally very safe.

The population of Berwind City is 442 people, with a median home price of $39,200. This area is home to only 1% of the city's residents who are homeless. The median home price is $39,200, with a 2.5% appreciation in the past 10 years. However, before you decide to move to Berwind, you might want to know how many households have children.

The ZIP code for Berwind is 24815, and it's part of McDowell County, West Virginia. It is the 126th largest community in the state, and it's located outside the metro area. Berwind residents are mainly members of the Lower Middle Class socioeconomic group, and are likely to be employed in a manufacturing environment. The area has a low poverty rate, which is an important factor for determining a town's quality of life.

The average income for households in Berwind, WV is $26,146. This is significantly less than the median income in the United States, which is $65,712. This city has a 34.4% homeownership rate, which is significantly higher than the national average of 64.1%. Berwind, WV has an average commute time of 25.5 minutes, and the median home owner owns two cars.