Bentree, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you looking for the Population & Steets in Bentréee City? Do you want to move to a different city but don't know where to start? If so, this article will help you learn about the different areas near Bent Tree. Read on to discover what to expect when moving to Bentree City, AL. You can also learn about the different types of people who live in Bentree City.

The population of Bent Tree is 51,780 people, and it occupies 9.25 square miles. The median household size is 1.96 people, and the average income is $79127. The median age of the population is 37, and 33% of the population has completed a bachelor's degree. While the overall population of Bent Tree is small, it still has a high percentage of college graduates and young professionals.

The population of Bentree City is fairly even. There were 1,560 households and 889 families. The majority of residents were white-collar, but the population of the area is still relatively young. While there are many young families in the area, there are also many older individuals who live in the area. There is a very diverse range of ages in Bentree City. Regardless of what you want to call Bentree, you will find people of all walks of life in this place.