Arnoldsburg, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Arnoldsburg City, West Virginia, United States, is a town located in West Virginia. You can find this city within 86 miles of a large city. If you are planning a road trip, you should check out the towns in the area. You can also find out how many miles away Arnoldsburg, WV is by searching for other nearby cities. The population and steets of these cities are listed below.

The population of Arnoldsburg is made up of a total of 1,063 people, of which 545 are male and 518 are female. The average age for males is 37 years old, while the median age for females is 40 years old. There are 81 births and 92 deaths each year in Arnoldsburg. There are 1,790 private wage and salary workers, while there are 519 government employees. Another 206 are self-employed. There are also N/A unpaid family workers in this town.

Crime rates in Arnoldsburg vary by neighborhood. Crime is generally lower in the north than in the south, although the rate of crime per person may be higher there. The north part of the city has more retail businesses and crime rates may seem high compared to the south. However, crime rates in the northern parts of the city may be overstated. Generally, crime is more likely to occur in areas with few people, such as retail areas.