Arbovale, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Arbovale City has a total population of 594 people, of which 139 are under the age of 20. There are 77 males and 63 females who are under this age group. The city also has a median income of $28,377 and an annual average of 111 deaths. The city has one race, with 589 people of that race making up most of the city's population.

The map above shows the racial makeup of Arbovale city. The dark shades indicate a higher racial majority, while the lighter shades indicate a lower racial composition. The diversity score for Arbovale is also provided, and you can see which races make up the majority in the city. In general, the more diverse a city is, the higher the diversity score will be.

The city has 3,835 households. Most of these households are family units, with approximately one adult in every two. A further 329 are non-family households, which are those headed by a single woman who does not have a husband at home. The city also has a high percentage of employment, with an average wage of $43,130. A quick look at the data can show how much a city can afford.

The Census Designated Place of Arbovale City, West Virginia, is a statistical counterpart of a self-governing community. It does not have governmental functions, but it does have a high percentage of trees. In addition, the city has a large proportion of group quarters, such as nursing facilities, college residence halls, and military barracks. Its population of 37,000 is higher than that of any other community in West Virginia.