Alum Bridge, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What Are the Population & Steets of Alum Bridge City? You can find these statistics in the City Directory. The population of the city was 301,534 as of 2010. Among the population, twenty-three percent were under the age of eighteen and fourteen percent were between the ages of eighteen and twenty-four. Twenty-four percent of the households were made up of people who were not married and thirty-five percent were married couples. Eight percent of the population was over 65 years old.

The street plan of Alum Bridge City follows a grid pattern. North-South streets run at twelve degrees west of the true north, while East-West streets run at a north-south direction. The street numbers start at Broad and High and increase as you move northward. For example, 351 W 5th Avenue is located on the south side of Fifth Avenue. Hence, if you want to find a home, you must know its street number.