Alkol, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What Are the Population & Steets of Alkol City? In this article, we will compare Alkol's population and crime rates to other nearby communities. While crime rates are higher in Alkol than in the state and country, these numbers are still below the national average. For more detailed information on Alkol's crime rate, check out the following table:

The city has a total population of 1,181 residents, of which 297 are under the age of 20. This includes 144 males and 153 females. This population breakdown varies per year, with the youngest population being just 16 years old. The oldest population is over 25 years old, and there are 540 college students. This information may be useful for determining the education level of the population.

The city's economy is largely dependent on tourism, with its economy thriving in the service industry. This community is home to both white-collar and blue-collar jobs. Its median household income is $20,278 and its average household income is $25,502. It has a male-to-female ratio of 1.00. The city's population is predominantly white, with only 0.1% of residents being black, Hispanic, or Asian. High school graduates make up 62% of the population, and over 60% of the people who live here dropped out of college.