Wishram, Washington Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets in WishRAM City? The city is located in the state of Washington, USA. Here is a list of major cities and towns that are close to Wishram. It will give you a feel for the area. For example, you may want to search for cities within 100 miles of Wishram, WA to get a better feel for the area. Population and Steets in Wishram City are presented below.

The population of Wishram is 473 people, with an expected increase of about 47.5% from 2020 to 2033. The median property value is $152,100, with three cars per household. The average commute time in Wishram is 20.1 minutes, while the national average is 26.4 minutes. The median home value in Wishram is $159,000, and there are approximately five hundred and thirty residents. Most residents are US citizens, with only 0.189% coming from countries other than the United States.

The median gross rent in Wishram City is $581 per month, which includes utility bills and some other costs associated with the residence. The median rent in Wishram City is significantly lower than other nearby cities, such as Tygh Valley and Wamic. If you want to learn more about the population of Wishram, start by looking at the rent burden. This indicator will help you identify what areas of the city are most difficult for people to afford.