Winlock, Washington Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're planning to invest in local advertising in Winlock City, Washington, you should know the demographics of the area. The average household income in Winlock is $54,300 and there are 83% white residents. The median household income is $47,279. The average household income in Winlock is $54,300. The percentage of people who live in poverty is 13.4%. Most residents are white and young, with a high school graduation rate of 71%.

The median gross rent in Winlock City is $758/mo, which includes utilities and some other building costs. This rate is lower than other neighboring cities, but higher than Washington's average of 30.6%. This rate reflects the fact that Winlock is a largely safe city to live in. If you're looking for a place to rent in Winlock, consider renting an apartment.

There's a good chance that the town you're considering moving to has a low divorce rate. The number of people living in Winlock is just under seventy percent married, which is better than average for the area. In terms of the number of people living alone, the city ranks #7 out of 31 cities and towns in the greater Winlock region. Its low divorce rate, however, makes it one of the safest places to live in the region.

Vandalism crime rates may appear high at first glance, but in reality the opposite is true. While crime rates are higher in the central portion of the city, they aren't necessarily dangerous for residents. Crime rates are generally higher than in the southern or western sections of the city. If you're worried that crime rates in your neighborhood are too high, you can check the vandalism crime map.