West Richland, Washington Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to learn about the population and steets of West Richland City, WA, then you will want to read this article. This city is located in Washington and has a population of 12,184 people. If you are considering moving to West Richland, WA, you should take a look at this information. This article provides you with all the information you need to make an informed decision.

You can find out how many people live in West Richland City by checking the number of people in each household. The number of households with married heads is about 25%. The number of single people in West Richland is about 10%. You can also find out the number of households with children under the age of eighteen. If you are considering moving to West Richland, you should check the number of children in each household.

The number of elderly people in West Richland is 6.8%. Hispanic/Latino people make up the rest of the population. The next diagram shows each race separately. Native people include Native American, Hawaiian, and Other Pacific Islanders. You can also find out the median age of residents in West Richland. And finally, you should check out the ethnic breakdown of the city by area.

Before 1959, West Richland was called Heminger, Enterprise, and Heminger. The town's name was originally named Enterprise, but the town's leaders changed it to West Richland after the name was chosen by the citizens. The town was eventually incorporated on June 17, 1955. In 1956, the town's population had reached 1,000 people. The Brotherhood was a religious group dedicated to communal living. The exact date is murky, but the legacy lives on in the Brotherhood Subdivision and the "Brotherhood Addition," a few hundred acres annexed to the town.